Monday, November 13, 2017

Next New

Suggest a new type of "new media" that doesn't currently exist. Describe it.

What will be the next new? Samsung's always says "the next big thing" when promoting for their mobile phones. With each new mobile device, we find that there is new creativity and innovations. When they launched the S7 cell phone, promotions for their Virtual Reality Headset started the race of the better VR eventhough it has been here for a while. 

Some have taken a step into the VR world even for a proposal, see video.

Others have taken a step into a different VR experience with a Smellable VR

Even if the new type of media doesn't expand to a greater depth into the VR world, it could also step into the Augmented Reality world. AR world is both the current world with some of the virtual world. Pokemon Go started it with their mobile app by catching Pokemon with its AR mode. Currently from the same makers that produced Pokemon Go is stepping into Harry Potter. Niantic has confirmed a Harry Potter based AR game. If you're a Harry Potter fan, you could read more about it here.

Wiki So Far

Currently i have contributed two things to our class's wiki.

First one was AIM which is AOL Instant Messenger and the second one is certain sub topics to Combat Arms.

At first i did not see Combat Arms under Gaming->First Person Shooter. Therefore i wrote a whole page (note wise) and then when i was uploading a picture, i found out that there was a page already. I added some brief information to the introduction that was already there. Then added subtopics; Ranking System, Maps, Special In Game Feature, and Transitions. Within Game Play, i added additional modes to the current list and the lesser known modes.

I looked back at Gaming->First Person Shooter and linked it to the First Person Shooter wiki page.

Sunday, November 12, 2017


File sharing is when one person has a particular file and sends the file to someone else that wants it through the internet. It is defined on oxford as "the practice or ability to transmit files from one computer to another over a network or the internet."  Then now we need to define P2P which means peer-to peer networking. Some examples of P2P file sharing is BitTorrent. In Clive Thompson's article, "The BitTorrent Effect" it states that BitTorrorent works in three steps. First one person has the source file which is then sent to the group of users which are seeders. Secondly this group of users are downloading pieces of the source file which are called leechers and some eventually become seeders for those specific pieces that they are finished downloading. By running in this format, everyone will eventually have their own completed source. Currently because some P2P file sharing of illegal pirated movies and songs, many users are using VPN's to block their IP address from leaking. If IP addresses are leaked, users may be fined for downloading illegal copies of software, music or movies.


In this day and age with hackers on the black market waiting to steal your information, many try to protect their privacy and confidentiality. No matter from purchases online or in person. A person's privacy could be taken. In Tony Bardley's article "Survey reveals generation gap in attitudes about security and privacy," it stated that "more than 40 percent of both Gen-X and Millennial respondents indicated that they never change their passwords, or only change their passwords when forced to." Another alarming statement was "nearly half of Gen-Xers also fail to protect their smartphone with a PIN or pass code of some sort, while only 37 percent of Millennials are that cavalier." I have made sure that when using phone payments to have two type of security. First your phone security either be fingerprint or pass code/password. Then have a second payment security where it needs your fingerprint or pass code/password again. When carrying only one credit card, its better to have two or three back to back since its harder for someone with reader to get information if they just walk by you. Other ways to protect a credit card is to get a RFID blocker/ protector which blocks someone that has a reader to read the card altogether. Many people follow the rules to protect their privacy and confidentiality but even they could be hack by other means. An example of this is leaked information from Equifax. Many report their credit information to this company and protect themselves but when the company itself has a breach, it becomes disastrous. It was said that cyber criminals accessed approximately 145.5 million US Equifax consumers personal data that included their full names, social security numbers, birth dates, address and even their driver license numbers. When it was announced, they set up a website where consumers can see if they were victims but later was found that the website had problems which was related with phishing. We can never be too careful with each technological advances.

Thursday, November 9, 2017


If i was hired by Baruch College and will need to use new media to improve the College, it would involve what we have learned in class. One of them is the use of Wikipedia especially with the collaboration between people in one specific department or could be cross department projects. Another new media would be the use of social media like Facebook. Facebook has recently implemented "Workplace by Facebook," which uses specific posts that's dedicated to a group, use the live feature for meetings, working with other companies or even messenger for work of course. If you would like more information about it, you could visit