Friday, October 13, 2017

Blog about Twitter

A Twitter discussion can be in real time compared to a BlackBoard discussion. When using Twitter, there is a notification which will lead to a quicker reply. BlackBoard discussion is when the person has time to log in and then reply the topic. This will lead to late replies to the discussion on BlackBoard if multiple people are currently in a heated discussion.These two compared to an in-class discussion in my opinion will have more benefit. Many take online classes to have the benefit of work and home. If there was an in-class discussion, everything will be in real time and could take longer than expected if the discussion becomes heated. We can each each person reactions and have less of a misunderstand. When discussions are online, it is up to the reader to have their own specific idea of what the writer is saying compared to a face to face discussion. The speaker can correct themselves if a specific word is said in the wrong context. 

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