Saturday, October 14, 2017

Social Networking Sites

Currently Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn is the four major social networking sites. Either for friends, family or work. Each has their own differences. Facebook was started for only a selected few until it became popular. I remember it took me forever to get registration since i was at a two year college which was't accepted. Membership was for specific four year colleges. Twitter was known for its short quick responses to a wider group of people with the use of hashtags (#). Google+ was somewhat of a different between Facebook and Twitter. I felt that it was more of a catch up game for Google to enter into the social networking market. There was a little aspect of Facebook because of the way you can post items and then see it as somewhat of a feed. LinkedIn as a social networking site was geared toward more of a professional work network to communicate with business. I have seen LinkedIn posts from other users stating that its a professional place and shouldn't be used a dating site. This keeps the website's brand to professionalism rather than a social local hangout.

There is actually a couple others that i wanted to speak upon which are AsianAvenue, Friendster, MySpsace and Xanga. As an Asian American growing up in the United States, its hard to find specific people the same interests. I found that AsianAvenue even through its early stages had many people as registered users. It gave a chance to find more information on Asian culture than American culture on the website. Friendster and MySpace was somewhat an early version of Facebook because people would just add their friends or at least that is what i did. Xanga was a big part of my social networking until everyone started to use Facebook. Xanga was different from others because it was more of a weblog compares to others where its more of direct contact with friends and keeping things short. AsianAvenue, Friendster, MySpace and Xanga has all declined to a point where people just remember that they have accounts and no much more. The sites itself has either went under renovation or has change their contents to mimic the current social networking sites.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amy! Wow, I was totally unaware of social networking sites like AsianAvenue, Friendster and Xanga. Now that you mention it, social networking sites for people of similar backgrounds (like AsianAvenue for Asian Americans like myself) and interests could be super helpful. People may even be more inclined to share more information because they feel more secure within a space of similar people.
